Graduation Requirements

Leland & Gray Graduation Requirements (26 total credits)

  • 4.0 credits of English

  • 4.0 credits of Mathematics, including Geometry

  • 4.0 credits of Science, including Earth Science, Biology and either Foundations or Chemistry or Physics

  • 3.0 credits of Social Studies, including 19th Century*, 20th Century*, and Civics*

  • 2.0 credits of Physical Education

  • 1.0 credit of Fine Arts

  • 0.5 credits of Health

  • 7.5 credits in Electives

  • Personalized Learning Plan, updated annually (Naviance)

  • 40 hours of Community Service**

  • Successful Completion of Senior Survival

* - or equivalent**This has been adapted for the next few graduating classes because of Covid-19:Class of 2022 = 25 hoursClass of 2023 = 25 hoursClass of 2024 = 30 hoursClass of 2025 and beyond = 40 hours

PBGR – Proficiency Based Graduation Requirements – Under the EQS (VT Rule 2000), students must be able to demonstrate proficiency in identified areas pursuant to local board policy. This work is just beginning at L&G and will continue into the future.

Grade level determined by credit:

Grade 9: under 6.5 earned credits

Grade 10: 6.5-12.75 earned credits

Grade 11: 13-17.75 earned credits

Grade 12: 18-26 earned credits