Graduation Requirements
Leland & Gray Graduation Requirements (26 total credits)
4.0 credits of English
4.0 credits of Mathematics, including Geometry
4.0 credits of Science, including Earth Science, Biology and either Foundations or Chemistry or Physics
3.0 credits of Social Studies, including 19th Century*, 20th Century*, and Civics*
2.0 credits of Physical Education
1.0 credit of Fine Arts
0.5 credits of Health
7.5 credits in Electives
Personalized Learning Plan, updated annually (Naviance)
40 hours of Community Service**
Successful Completion of Senior Survival
PBGR – Proficiency Based Graduation Requirements – Under the EQS (VT Rule 2000), students must be able to demonstrate proficiency in identified areas pursuant to local board policy. This work is just beginning at L&G and will continue into the future.
Grade level determined by credit:
Grade 9: under 6.5 earned credits
Grade 10: 6.5-12.75 earned credits
Grade 11: 13-17.75 earned credits
Grade 12: 18-26 earned credits