Community Council

The Community Council was established at Leland and Gray during the 1989-1990 school year. It was created to improve communication, facilitate discussion of educational issues and school improvement, and as a vehicle for shared decision-making.

In general, the Community Council consists of 4-5 Community teams, school administration, and the middle and high school student councils. Community members meet in teams based on common planning time. If a team is very large, it may split into two teams. Each team determines a regular meeting day and time. A representative of each team meets with the principals and a student council representative on Thursday at 3-4pm in A-14.

Written proposals for change may be submitted to the representative council by individual teams, the principals, or Student Council. The Community Council determines the next step for proposals. Proposals may be accepted for team discussion, turned back for clarification, or sent on to administration when appropriate.

Community Council meeting minutes are distributed to all school employees and Student Council members each week.

(only accessible by council members with an email address)