Community Service

Community Service

Leland & Gray is a firm believer that community service is a worthwhile and potentially rewarding experience for everyone, especially young people. Therefore a graduation requirement is 40 hours of community, a commitment that may be spread over a student six years at L&G. The hours may be accumulated in small or large pieces, through one or several different agencies, alone or working with friends, and designed by a student in hopes of enriching both our community and the individual's personal growth.

Community Service FAQ

What is Community Service?

  • Community service projects must be unpaid, volunteer work for a non-profit charitable organization (which relies on public funding and donations).
  • Examples of non-profit organizations are: churches, schools, the Humane Society, food banks, the Special Olympics, the Red Cross, etc.
  • Eligible service is not limited to Townshend or surrounding areas.
  • Eligible service for schools may not replace instructional time or be required for a grade.
  • Examples of excluded organizations are social clubs and political organizations.
  • Projects required for other programs (National Honors Society, Journey East, sports team, Student Council) can be counted for community service though in some cases, hours may be capped, and all hours must be pre-approved.

Why do Community Service?

  • Meet new people
  • Have responsibility
  • Challenge yourself
  • Gain many helpful qualities, like patience and independence
  • Help people who really need it
  • Interact with the community
  • Have fun
  • Feel good while helping others
  • Help the whole community, not just a few people
Job Opportunities: Students who have done community service for organizations may go on to become employees. Some students learn new possibilities for jobs or recommendations through those organizations.College: If you have many community service experiences and/or your community services experiences are diverse, your high school transcript reflects this experience. College Admission Officers like to see that students have a connection within the community and take the initiative to help others.

What are some examples of community service?

  • Working in the Snack Shack through the L&G Boosters Club
  • Spending time at Valley Cares talking with a resident
  • Helping West River Valley Thrives with their monthly mailing
  • Assisting a teacher as a Do Unto Others (DUO)

What are examples of activities which don't qualify as community service?

  • Money or credits are received for your work
  • Work for your parents
  • Camp counselor (paid)
  • Chores at home
  • Participation in religious service

What are examples of activities which may or may not be community service?

  • Community service on a trip with school or an organization
  • Student Manager of a sports team

Community Service Graduation Requirement

  • Students must perform 40 total service hours in order to graduate. It is suggested that this occur at a rate of 10 hours per year but students can complete hours ahead of time. The next few graduating classes have had their requirement adjusted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
      1. Class of 2022&2023: 25 Hours
      2. Class of 2024: 30 Hours
      3. 2025 and onwards is: 40 Hours
      4. Classes may earn up to 10 hours of Community Service Hours during Middle School to count towards your High School Graduation requirement.
  • Transfer students’ requirements will be prorated using intervals of 5 hours (ex: midyear transfer in 10th grade will owe 25 hours prior to graduation).
  • You must complete 30 hours by your senior year otherwise, you lose your senior privileges. Juniors must complete 30 hours of community services in order to attend the Prom and Seniors must complete their 40 hours of community service in order to attend the Prom.

Critical Information About Requirements

  • All projects that are not pre-approved will not be accepted for graduation unless approved by the Administration. A maximum of half-time will be granted in that circumstance.
  • Students are responsible for obtaining necessary pre-approval and returning their completed forms to the Community Service Coordinator. Students have a right to appeal rejected proposals to administration.
  • Summer projects must be pre-approved by the Community Service Coordinator.
  • Deadlines: work completed over the summer, June 1 – August 15, must be filed by September 30th. Work completed during the school year, August 16 – June 1, must be filed by June 1st.
  • The supervising individual should be affiliated with the non-profit charitable organization may not be an immediate family member, unless special permission is given.
  • Hours can be earned at any time beginning after 8th grade graduation but they must still be pre-approved by the Community Service Coordinator.

Where to do Community Service

Community service hours can be earned with a non-profit organization. A non-profit organization is not a business but is an agency which serves the needs of a group of people or the community. Community service hours can be fulfilled by sharing your talents in other ways, such as performing music or helping teach basic computer skills at Valley Cares. Community Service Opportunities

How to Document Your Service

Picking an organization and doing the community service work is what takes energy, the easy part is filling out the paperwork.
  • There is a form that everyone who completes any amount of community service MUST complete. It can be found in the Main Office in a tray marked “blank community service forms” and it is linked above.
  • All projects must be pre-approved by one of the Community Service Coordinators before the work is done.
  • The top portion of the form needs to be completed and turn it into the office. A Community Service Coordinator will review the form for pre-approval and return the form to the student.
  • After the hours have been completed, someone from the organization that was a part of the community service must sign the form. Once the work and form are completed, it must be turned into the office, and hours will be compiled and tracked.

Community Services Form

Below you will find the necessary form which you must complete in order for your service to count towards graduation. Please note that students need to complete this form prior to their service for pre-approval as well as after their service.

Questions can be addressed to your Community Service Coordinator,
Terry Davison-Berger (